
Typing Speed Test Online

Typing Speed Test

Typing Speed Test

Type the following text:

Absolutely, here’s a succinct paragraph that might capture a moment: Under the cerulean sky, the meadow sprawled in a tapestry of emerald. Sunlight waltzed through the swaying grass, casting fleeting shadows that danced in rhythm with the gentle breeze. The air hummed with the sweet symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves, harmonizing in perfect unity. Amidst this picturesque scene, a lone oak stood sentinel, its sturdy branches outstretched, offering refuge to a chorus of singing robins. Nature’s canvas painted tranquility, inviting one to linger in its serene embrace, a sanctuary of peace and solace. Butterflies fluttered, painting the air with vibrant hues, while wildflowers nodded in agreement, an audience to nature’s muse.

Words per minute: 0 WPM

Time left: 60s
Hi, I’m Deepak Sharma

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